Gendongan Bayi Modern - Baby Carriers
Extra wide thick V-type strap: V-type straight hold shoulders with more to reduce the burden on the shoulders;Full-Wai-style head protection pad: can secure the protection of the baby's head;
The cushion: new design, waist part of the increase cushion gently protect baby's waist;
The arc protection head board: indeed support the baby's back of the head, can avoid bending or unnecessary pressure;
Head protection cap: simple operation, disassembly, protect unstable head, both shade and avoid direct sunlight to stimulate the baby's eyes;
The size regulation zipper: Adjustable shoulder strap with depth with the baby's medical use;
Clasp: One-touch back button, easy to operate;
Safety buckles and side buckles: safety buckles and side buckle simple operation, even in the straight to hold your baby can also easily up and down the strap;
Breathable material: abdomen and buttocks using breathable materials, airy and comfortable. Is a addictive strap, more luxurious kind and generous, the best choice of the super popular baby sling, smart, beautiful fashion good mommy.
Merk : Baby Carriers
Berat : 1000gr
Berat : 1000gr
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Info Kontak & Pemesanan :
* 0812 2008 3591 (SMS/ WhatsApp)
* 0815 602 6050 (SMS)
* 2BAF2418 (BBM)
* 0812 2008 3591 (SMS/ WhatsApp)
* 0815 602 6050 (SMS)
* 2BAF2418 (BBM)
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0812 2008 3591 (SMS/ WhatsApp)
0815 602 6050 (SMS)
2BAF2418 (BBM)
0812 2008 3591 (SMS/ WhatsApp)
0815 602 6050 (SMS)
2BAF2418 (BBM)
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Admin (Owner) pada 2014/09/18
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